Monday, December 15, 2008

The Master Assassin

The Master Assassin is the Grand Master of The Estarvan Guild (the guild of assassins). Not much is known about the man behind the mask, except that he founded the Guild. In a rare Sarberian dialect, Estarvan means 'spider'. Hence, when propperly translated, the name of the clandestine organization of assassins is the Spider Guild.
While some claim that its founder is no longer alive, for he would have to be more than two hundred years old, his grave remains empty till this very day.
Eventually, though very well organized, The Guild was destroyed by the Paladin Order, after a failed attempt to assassinate one of the Grand Masters of the Paladins (Grand Master Vildon).
On the order of that same Grand Master, the assassins were hunted down and hanged, but the Master Assassin eluded capture and was never found.

Even today, many believe that he was not of this world...and many more doubt that he no longer draws breath.