Howell Davis was once a formidable pirate lord, the scourge of the seven seas.
During a bloody raid on a secluded monastery Mrim, he came into possession of an ancient occult book entitled Crow's Codex (second tome). In the heat of a fierce battle with the monastery brotherhood, Howell bested the monastery abbot, wrenched the book out of his hands and then buried the blade of his cutlass deep into the man's skull... all the way to the hilt.
The Codex prolonged Howell's life, but also changed him beyond reckoning. The book had awoken the beast within the man, turning Howell into a monster of unimaginable ferocity. The seas bled wherever Doom sailed. All who dared to cross Howell's path or stand up to his tyranny met a terrible fate. Their bones littered the deep waters. The very planks of Howell's ship bled constantly, soaked by the blood of all the men he had slaughtered.
Although a wanted man in virtually every port, in the end, the sleek galleys of Atar Empire caught up with him. His pirate ship was crippled off the coast of Mentilea and then sunk. The last he was seen, Howell was clutching the Codex in his right hand, while desperately holding on to the mast of the sinking Doom. Never was he seen again by the eyes of the living.
If legends are to be believed, the deep sea did not become his tomb, but rather his new dominion, for the Codex had offered him immortality in exchange for eternal servitude. Having no wish to die and face all those he had robbed of life, Howell agreed, becoming the book's faithful servant.
The life in the depths of the sea changed the dead pirate lord beyond recognition. He lost not only his humanity but his human visage as well, starting to resemble the wretched creatures of the deep - his new minions.
Now he rules the deep waters with an iron fist, much like he had once ruled all of the above.
During a bloody raid on a secluded monastery Mrim, he came into possession of an ancient occult book entitled Crow's Codex (second tome). In the heat of a fierce battle with the monastery brotherhood, Howell bested the monastery abbot, wrenched the book out of his hands and then buried the blade of his cutlass deep into the man's skull... all the way to the hilt.
The Codex prolonged Howell's life, but also changed him beyond reckoning. The book had awoken the beast within the man, turning Howell into a monster of unimaginable ferocity. The seas bled wherever Doom sailed. All who dared to cross Howell's path or stand up to his tyranny met a terrible fate. Their bones littered the deep waters. The very planks of Howell's ship bled constantly, soaked by the blood of all the men he had slaughtered.
Although a wanted man in virtually every port, in the end, the sleek galleys of Atar Empire caught up with him. His pirate ship was crippled off the coast of Mentilea and then sunk. The last he was seen, Howell was clutching the Codex in his right hand, while desperately holding on to the mast of the sinking Doom. Never was he seen again by the eyes of the living.
If legends are to be believed, the deep sea did not become his tomb, but rather his new dominion, for the Codex had offered him immortality in exchange for eternal servitude. Having no wish to die and face all those he had robbed of life, Howell agreed, becoming the book's faithful servant.
The life in the depths of the sea changed the dead pirate lord beyond recognition. He lost not only his humanity but his human visage as well, starting to resemble the wretched creatures of the deep - his new minions.
Now he rules the deep waters with an iron fist, much like he had once ruled all of the above.